Friday, October 22, 2010

Rubber Ducky

Jude loves his bath time! Here is a pic with his fun hair! and boy am i surprised that he is actually looking at me and not himself! ;) He is such a fun little boy!

9 months....and what a joy you are!

  • you weigh 20lbs and 9 oz. and are 29 in long
  • you love to eat and you are not picky at all (yay)
  • you are still not crawling but you can roll anywhere you want to go.....and get there fast!
  • you love standing up and would walk around while holding on to our fingers all day if you could
  • you are extremely happy and make me smile all the time
  • you love talking you say momma, dada, and no ( ha! we are working on correcting that)
  • you think you are funny and oh so handsome, every time you see yourself you smile, laugh and give yourself kisses
  • you sleep good and take 2 naps a day (morning and afternoon)
  • you are such a joy and i love that i get to stay home with you.(so thankful)
  • you are one loved little boy that is growing up so fast that it makes me sad

Monday, October 4, 2010

Playdates and Labor Day

We had a playdate with some of the other moms with our sunday school class. Jude loved chewing on baby Caleb's giraffe teether.

Labor Day weekend which was Jeremy's 30th Birthday weekend we went to NWA. We visited some friends, Jeremy went to the HOGS game which they stomped Tennessee Tech.

We found Jeremy's name (expensive name) on the side walk. So i guess he really did graduate! ha

8 months.... though i am posting 4 days from 9 months. can we say behind

  • you are about 20 lbs and 28 in. long
  • you love bath time and food time
  • you have no desire to crawl but love to stand
  • you are so fun and a very happy baby
  • you say dada and every once in awhile at night time you say mama
  • you started mothers day out this month, and you seem to really enjoy it
  • you are just full of personality and i love you so much
  • you are growing so fast and it makes me sad and happy all at the same time


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Wife to Jeremy since oct.08, overjoyed mother to Jude born Jan. 8th 2010. Love life and all the people in it.